Overall Knee Health: 6 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Knees
by Celavirgie Bautista July 28, 2021
Our knees are essential for us to keep our bodies active and mobile. But most of the time, people don’t pay much attention to their knees and will only come to see a health professional if the pain is intolerable or the stiffness is worse.
If your goal is to live your life to the fullest and be pain-free as you get older, now is the right time to start thinking about your knees. Don’t wait to hear light cracking or popping and start doing something.
1. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
Being overweight puts extra pressure on your knees. According to John-Paul Rue, for every pound of weight you put on, your knees will have four more pounds of pressure and even more than that when you go up and down the stairs.
2. Knee Strengthening Exercises
Knee strengthening exercises strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee. Developing strong leg muscles like the hamstrings, quadriceps, and the front and back thighs protect the knee and reduce the stress placed on the knee.
3. Wear Appropriate Shoes
We can’t stress enough the importance of wearing appropriate shoes in preventing injuries. Wearing the wrong shoes even for a short time increases the risk of hurting your knees. Use sport-specific shoes or shoes appropriate for your foot type and activity.
4. Warm Up Before Exercise
Warming up can save your knees from possible injuries. If you exercise without warming up first, you’re not preparing your legs to meet higher demands and can lead to problems like knee pain.
5. Be Active
Lack of movement can take a toll on your joints. Regular physical activities increase muscle strength and flexibility and help lubricate joints. But remember that the goal here is to balance everything and not overdo it.
6. Don’t Ignore Your Knees
If bad knees run in your family the more you need to listen to your knee pain. If you hear popping, experience swelling, or feel a little weak, give your knee the RICE treatment – rest, ice, compression, and elevation. If it doesn’t get better, consult a health professional.