10 Simple New Year's Resolutions that are Easy to Keep
New year's resolutions are popular among people who want to make a change in their lives, whether it be new food habits, fitness goals, health regimens, or much more.
Developing good new year's resolutions is not easy! Most of the time those resolutions disappear right into thin air by the end of January. The only way a person can manage to break the overall cycle is by settling achievable health goals.
Here are the 10 Simple New Year's Resolutions that are Easy to Keep
1. Move More and Sit Less
Many people sit more than required as a result of work and an inactive lifestyle. When you sit for long periods, you will bring negative effects on your overall health.
To incorporate movement into your daily routine, start by getting out of bed and moving for 30 minutes during the workday. Set a timer so you will get up from your desk. Get up, walk around, and move at least once every hour.
2. Have Quality Sleep
Sleep is important in one's overall health. When you encounter sleep deprivations, you will go through different consequences. When you have inadequate sleep, you are likely to suffer from depression, heart disease, and undergo weight gain.
Quality sleep can be difficult for most people, so to help this, try scheduling in some time for some restful sleep. It is advised to go to bed earlier and sleep for 7-9 hours each night.
3. Practice Self-Care
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start practicing self-care. This may include scheduling a lifestyle that allows you to focus on what matters most to you, making a plan that includes activities that evoke you or even taking time out in your day to treat yourself accordingly.
You are not selfish when you want to take care of yourself. It is important for optimal wellbeing and health. This is true especially for people who engage in different caretaker roles like healthcare workers and parents.
4. Spend Quality Time Outside
The benefits of spending time outside are endless. It can re-energize your life and restore your focus. It is not a new trend but an old tradition that has been passed down through the ages that offers physical, mental, and even spiritual benefits.
When you're connected to nature, you reduce your blood pressure, have higher levels of feel-good hormones like oxytocin in your body, and are healthier on both an organic level and a physical one.
5. Limit Screen Time
Most people depend on computers and phones for entertainment and work, but these digital devices can also keep us from enjoying our days. They are distracting and harmful to our moods.
When you spend a lot of time on devices especially scrolling on social media, you are likely to suffer from loneliness, anxiety, and depression.
6. New Hobby
Why not spice up your life with a new hobby? A hobby can be anything from finding like-minded people, traveling, gardening, or volunteering at your local library. Sometimes changing up your routine can also help prevent boredom.
When you partake in hobbies, you're likely to live a healthier and longer life. If there is a hobby that you have been inspired to try, this is the best time for you.
7. Meditate
If you're unhappy with your life or just feeling overwhelmed by the fast-paced world around you, you don't need a new car or anything else expensive- just meditation.
Meditation means calming your mind and relieving your body so that you can feel better about yourself. Most people know that meditation helps you relax, but its benefits for mental health are numerous.
From reduced stress to increased concentration, mediation can be the solution for many different problems in the coming year.
8. Take vacations
If you want to keep your self-improvements lasting, consider setting a break in your routine every now and again with a vacation. It can be as easy as taking a few days trip but it will allow you to reset all processes in your life, giving you new energy when you return home.
Vacations are often the best way for resetting our minds, renewing our energy, or stopping for a minute and giving thanks for everything we do have in our lives.
9. Create a Nourishing and Sustainable Diet
Making New Year's resolutions that are sustainable might seem impossible because of the high cravings that commonly come with a massive adjustment to diet.
What you may want to consider is creating a nourishing and sustainable diet, and sticking to it. This doesn't mean eliminating all desserts, but simply eating better overall.
10. Avoid Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk happens when people are doubtful of themselves. They talk negatively to themselves and question if they're capable or even talented enough.
This negative self-talk can lead to people withdrawing from their endeavors, being angry or sad all the time, and losing motivation. Feelings of hopelessness are very common after doing this type of negative thinking.
One way to break them is by focusing on your positive thoughts, rather than dwelling on the negative.
For many, the new year is supposed to be a time for self-improvement and reflection. While most people make resolutions that are difficult to keep, some people like to keep things simple and try something new for the coming year.
There are so many different ways to challenge yourself in 2022, we hope you so find something in this article that is right for you.
Happy New Year!